Thursday, 23 April 2009

Sinister Visions

Sinister Visions

By Christopher Fields & Susan Campbell

The vision of young creative team Photographers Christopher Fields and Susan Campbell and Stylist K.O is one of fashions core elements; that of the past and that of the future. Classic Hollywood grooming is fused with an erotic bondage under tone, creating a sinister yet highly sophisticated air. 

Silhouettes are re-defined with Asymmetric Jersey Dresses and blooming collars, emphasis being placed on structure and form leaving the figure classically svelte but with a curious twist. Paintent snakeskin, neon and leather finish the look and give it its time-honoured but futuristic polish.

- Claire Murray 

Pieces come from Mui Mui, Terry De Havilland, Kirsty Doyle, Tatsuya Harada, D&G, Kurt Holmes.
Huge thanks to

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Future Fashion Tilda Swinton

Photography - Craig Mcdean
Styling - Panos Yiapanis

Actress or model? 
It seems Tilda Swinton excels at both, the spring summer 2009 edition of Another Magazine is yet another brilliant example of her unique style as both actress and model.

"I think she is like and angel. There is something so beautiful yet alien about Tilda. And by alien i mean slightly removed. I respond to that because in terms of what i do in photography,I always feel alien anyway. She's a cypher for that. I've always looked for haunted beauty in my subjects, and I feel that with her, definitely." 
Gregory Crewdson

Clothes designed by Mark Fast, Nasir Mazhar, Craig Lawrence and Louise Goldin

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Ziad Ghanem LFW AW09

My first post. Thought i would share some London Fashion Week goodies with you. This is a select few images taken at the fabulous Ziad Ghanems AW09 show at Beach Blanket Babylon.

Ziad Ghanem AW09